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How To Earn Money With Facebook|Blind Article

How To Earn Money With Facebook|Blind Article

How To Earn Money With Facebook|Blind Article

 Tips ganar money Facebook. If you've created a Facebook page with lots of active users who follow you every day, now is the time to consider how to monetize it.

Your ultimate goal is to spread your content through the pages you create, earn with Facebook. And this is not easy. Facebook is a social network designed to stimulate interactions between people and not a sales platform.

So, if your intent is to get real salaries with your business on Facebook, I'm sorry, but it's important to keep in mind that few people can do this (all of them have a very large number of active users on their pages).

On the other hand, if you are happy with the little income you can save something and grow into a brand, read on.

What I can recommend are online services such as Program popular sites affiliated with eCommerce, where you can earn commissions for selling goods online.

You can then utilize the Facebook page you created to promote it through some sort of virtual showcase. How To Make Money With Facebook With These Services.

Best Tips To Make Money With Facebook

Monetization with affiliate services (Amazon)

One of the most used ways to make money with Facebook is through the affiliate tools provided by some of the top companies in the tech sector.  Amazon Apple is one of the most popular companies offering affiliate program subscriptions.

If you are new to hearing about affiliate services, you should be aware that there is a possibility of creating sponsored links. This link allows users to purchase products you recommend from Amazon or to iTunes (for Apple affiliate programs).

There is no additional charge for users who click the link and make a purchase. Conversely, you can charge a percentage from 1% to 10% depending on the category the goods sold belong to.

These Amazon-sponsored links can only be created after signing up for an affiliate program that can be activated for free. Fortunately, it doesn't cost anything.

However, it is a program aimed at certain people. For example, it's a program for people who have a website or blog. It should also be emphasized that all the links created will allow you to earn money within 24 hours of opening, as well as purchases of shared products, as well as anything else you purchase on Amazon.

Earning through affiliate services (Apple)

Apple also has its own affiliate program that allows all subscribers to receive a small commission on sales. Applications, books, and other content are in the iTunes Store, iBooks Store, or App Store.

To participate, go to the Apple affiliate website and click the button first. Apply>  Subscribe Now Fill out the proposed form.

In order to accept the request, you must provide the exact specific information to your Apple administrator. For example, addresses of websites that require strict adherence to Apple's instructions.

It should already be 100% complete and active (we can't provide the address of a site under construction yet), shouldn't host offensive or violent content, and should include a clear user privacy policy.

After signing up for the Apple affiliate program, you'll need to provide your bank details and set a minimum threshold for receiving payments. Then you can create sponsored links for: Make money with Facebook.  To create them, simply add your affiliate ID at the end. URL from iTunes Store, App Store, or iBooks Store

As with Amazon Links, you are paid a fee for any purchases made by your followers within 24 hours of the link being opened, as well as apps or content reported directly.

Before continuing, I would like to give you some advice. Don't be too overkill to offer sponsored links to your followers through your Facebook page. Otherwise, you will lose a lot of "likes" and you wouldn't have done anything.

I also suggest making it as transparent as possible to those who follow you. Affiliate links don't offer any extra charges to those who buy, and they describe it as a tool to earn a small amount of money in exchange for the content you give your followers.

How to monetize Facebook with eCommerce (Blomming)

One of the tools that allow you to earn with Facebook more profitable than Amazon or iTunes affiliate programs is Blooming. Open an online store and as a direct selling tool for Facebook-enabled products. However, unfortunately, this service is not free, so you have to invest.

For this, a service like Blomming allows you to instantly open a digital store. Sell products directly on Facebook.

However, after using the 15-day free trial, you need to sign up for a subscription.

The services Blomming provides to monetize Facebook have a monthly fee. The version starts from 9,99 euros per month. HOME You can sell up to 10 products for 19,99 euros per month. We offer you the possibility to sell an unlimited number of products up to €24,99 per month to sign up for the basic subscription plan.  All the tools you need to sell your products on premium Facebook. Alternatively, you can save on the subscription price by subscribing to an annual plan.

Blomming operation is very simple. Connect to the home page and click the button. Register on Facebook, authenticate through your social account, and load the product from the online store by pressing the appropriate button at the top. You will now be asked if you plan to subscribe to activate the trial version.

After uploading the product to the store, go to the tab. Click the public (top right) button to sell on Facebook and follow the instructions on the screen.

You need to choose the page where you want to add the store and configure it according to your preferences.

Tricks to make money from FB

Finally, I would like to share with you some tips to help you better manage your business and honestly earn money with Facebook.

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