Soul movie summary
The new film "Soul" is being produced for Walt Disney Pictures by US production company Pixar Animation Studios in 2020.
Throughout the film "Soul" we follow the story of Joe Gardner, with the original voice of Jamie Foxx in English and Omar Sy in French who lent their vocal talents to this new Pixar. Joe Gardner, the protagonist of the film "Soul" is a music teacher at a college in New York where he teaches one of his lifelong passions: jazz. The latter lives a seemingly gloomy and banal life but he is driven by a single dream which is to go on stage to live his passion at the Half Note Club with the famous Dorothea Williams.
Sadly, as he touches his dream with his fingertips, he falls almost to death and his soul leaves his body, which ends up in a coma, and joins the Great Front. This place is representative of the afterlife and brings together all-new souls before they are sent to Earth so that they create a personality, a character, specificities and a passion that will animate them once on Earth.
We will then hear Joe spoken in the animated "Soul":
Throughout the new Pixar for Disney “Soul” Joe is determined not to die and to get his life back in time to ensure the show he has dreamed of with Dorothea Williams. To regain his life on Earth he must help 22, a playful soul wandering in the Great Front for a very long time who has never managed to find the passion he lacks to complete the badge that will allow him to come to Earth, and what is more has never found the interest.
In the film "Soul", Joe will do everything to help 22 find a passion that will animate him but also show him how great life is in order to be able to recover his badge once it has been validated for the journey to Earth.
Throughout the anime "Soul" and in this context, Joe with the help of 22, through many adventures more funny, touching and exciting than the other will understand the true meaning of his life.
The critical and moral opinion of the film Soul
In the movie "Soul", the Big Front is similar to the setting for Albert Brooks ' metaphysical comedy "Defending Your Life". It has its own rules and procedures and is part of a spiritual ecosystem in which certain things must happen in order for other things to happen in turn.
In the new Pixar “Soul ”, there is a touch of video game structure throughout the sets of the Grand Avant; or plot to the film's core set, and it is reinforced by the stylized drawing of the Grand Avant characters in supervisory positions over mentors and proto - souls (which predate the beginning of the soul itself) : these are depicted as two-dimensional, shifting cubist figures made of elegant neon lines.
Plus, there's a comedic twist halfway through the movie that brings "Soul" to life just as that was starting to hang around, and it's best not to be spoiled here (although the trailers and commercials l 'have already done). Suffice to say that 22 ends up finding its spark, even if it requires a lot of effort and especially a few wild adventures to get there; and that Joe re-examines his years on earth as a brilliant but gentle teacher and finds them insufficient.
The goal of the Great Before is to frame new souls so that they can discover a "spark" which will lead them to a happy and productive life on earth. Joe is primarily motivated by the desire to avoid the white light and come back to earth (and perform at that incredible concert he's been waiting for all his life), so he assumes the identity of a renowned Swedish psychologist and frames a problem. known only by its number, 22 ( Tina Fey ). The character of 22 is a jaded cynic who rejected the mentorship of some of the greatest figures in mortal history, including Carl Jung and Abraham Lincoln. Can Joe break the streak and help him find his goal? Have you ever seen a Pixar movie? Of course. It's mostly about how things go in these movies, rarely what happens.
The major drawback noted by critics is that the universe created by the director makes “Soul” an animated film among a long series including, for example, “The Princess and the Frog” and “ The Incognitos ”, in which a Black main character is transformed into another character for most of the time of the film.
In conclusion, the moral of the story shows that Joe was not making as many friends as he should have and was consumed with fear of trading in his childhood dream of becoming a jazz artist for a more ordinary life of music teacher. Especially since, Joe's mother, played by Phylicia Rasha d , does not support her musical projects and dreams. Joe discovers when he is almost dead that he has not taken advantage of his life enough and especially that like many others he has not followed his dreams.
Pixar universe
Is this the first midlife crisis movie released by Pixar?
Maybe, although Woody in the "Toy Story" movies seemed to have a touch of that bitterness too. The film is a bit rough and disorganized with its mythology/rules - something Pixar is generally meticulous about, to the point of being obsessive.
The message of the film could be summed up as follows:
A birthday card could have told you. And some of the jokes are a little DreamWorksy (like the DreamWorks Animation company), like the moment a lost soul returns to earth and realizes that he has completely wasted his life working in hedge funds; a ruthless international mega-corporation like Disney